Blue Knights Membership
To Qualify for Membership:
- You must be an active full or part-time law enforcement officer with powers of arrest employed by a governmental agency and receive monetary compensation or be a retired or disabled former law enforcement officer.
- Or, be a member of a National or Federal Government Military Agency whose primary duty (job title or description) is in Law Enforcement, and who has the right to detain and has completed a prescribed Military Law Enforcement Training Program.
- You must possess a valid license to operate a motorcycle.
- You must own a motorcycle or plan to purchase one within six months.
To Become a Member:
Generally, you choose the Chapter you wish to join and contact that Chapter about becoming a member. Upon Chapter approval, the Chapter President will submit your application to Blue Knights International.
There is no requirement that the Chapter you join be the closest Chapter to you geographically. Membership is not bound by proximity to Chapter locations, State lines, National or International borders. However, you can only be a member of ONE Chapter.
In some rare circumstances you can be a “Member at Large”, but only if there is no Chapter within 50 miles of your residence and it is approved by the Conference Board of Directors.
If you need information or assistance in choosing or contacting a Chapter in which you are interested in joining, please feel free to contact us.
For detailed information or to download a membership application visit the Blue Knights International website membership page.